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3D Graphic Hoodie: Your Canvas Of Self-Expression.

Everyone knows the hoodie is an iconic fashion piece. Add the element of graphic design and the hoodie now is visual display of epic self-expression. Graphics on hoodies are not new, as apparel companies have branded their logos on clothing for years. It has become the norm to advertise businesses, to express allegiance not only to our favorite sports team, but also show our support to a myriad of organizations such as our local unions. We have seen over the years how tees and hoodies have become a medium for special causes and social awareness. Usher in the advancement of 3D printing and hoodies are a centerpiece of attention with eye grabbing graphics that appear to jump right off the apparel. In a market dominated by big brand names, graphic artists from around the world have captured a new medium to showcase their unique style and vision by creating their own line of clothing. Need an excuse? Here are some reasons why you should be expressing yourself by sporting a graphic hoodie.

You play Fortnite or PUBG. 

Yes admit it you’re a gamer. And if that is not enough I am sure you probably like anime as well. If you do not, chances are high someone you know does. Gamers are no longer male dominated or just teens and kids. Todays’ gamers are the average age of 31 and 48% females! Nothing shows more allegiance than sporting your favorite character.  Nothing will get a gamer more excited than playing but receiving a Fortnite Hoodie might come close. 

>>> check out Fortnite apparel.      >>> Save 10% at GameCoral.

You have faith.

No matter your personal beliefs, peaceful expressions of faith remind us of our humanity and connection to one another. President Barack Obama recently implored Americans “to expand our moral imaginations, to listen to each other more carefully, to sharpen our instincts for empathy and remind ourselves of all the ways that our hopes and dreams are bound together.”  What can be a better way to express your love, faith, hopes or dreams than on a graphic hoodie? Spred and share your love for humanity >>>here.

You love nature.

Nothing beats taking a break from the hustle of life to enjoy it. Take one moment to look at a beautiful night sky or to see animals in the wild. Its an experience that can put us in awe and renew our perspective of life. Now imagine that picture in vivid colors and detail on a 3d graphic hoodie. We especially love the big face animals! Are you the outdoors type? Try a comfortable and warm camo hoodie!  >>>click if you love animals.

You have an imagination.

As Albert Einstein so eloquently stated: “Imagination is everything. It is the preview for life’s coming attractions.” Imagination ignites passion, stimulates creativity, innovation and can be magical. Lets face it, sometimes reality just sucks. It is up to us to use our imagination to change our lives and our world for the better. Now the magic of modern technology can put these very concepts and visions of designers and artists on hoodies. Don’t worry they are easy to care for without cracks or fading!  >>>check out unique styles.

Here are Epic Hoodie Fashions’ favorite picks in 3D Graphic Hoodies:

Fortnite Hoodie Angel Wings Grapic Hoodie

Deer Camo Hoodie Galaxy Dinosaur 3D Grapic Hoodie

Big Face Wolf 3D Grapic Hoodie Dragon Ball Z 3D Grapic Hoodie

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